31 Jackie Lambert

Lesson Summary

Jacqueline Lambert embarked on a unique adventure by purchasing a thirty-year-old army truck to travel around Europe with her four dogs, chronicling their experiences in light-hearted memoirs. Her journey showcases a passion for unconventional travel:

  • Challenges in finding a cover designer and marketing books while on the road
  • Enthusiasm for in-person events to engage with readers
  • Plans including skiing in Italy and renovating their long-rented home.

During an interview with Morgen in the UK amidst rainy weather, Jacqueline recounts her journey from biochemistry to full-time writing, sparked by a lifelong love for writing since the age of fourteen. Her storytelling mediums range from blogs to memoirs, with a focus on travel diaries:

  • Transition from a scientific career to a writing profession
  • Importance of documenting real-life adventures and enhancing details for storytelling
  • Treasured travel diaries as a key asset in her writing journey.

Jacqueline's current lifestyle involves traveling with her husband in a unique campervan, driven by Brexit restrictions and culminating in adventures with a six-wheel army truck sourced from the Netherlands.

Though she hasn't written any fiction as yet, Jackie creatively captures her real-life experiences through her travel narratives.

Her story is a testament to pursuing passion, adventure, and unconventional travel experiences.

Jacqueline (Jackie) Lambert is an award-winning travel writer, real-life adventure traveller, and dogmother, who loves history and curious facts.

B.C. (Before Canines) she hurtled, slid down, submerged herself in, or threw herself off bits of every continent except Antarctica.

Then, with husband Mark, she gave up work and acquired four dogs.

A.D. (After Dog), Jackie and Mark accidentally bought a caravan (RV trailer), then got a little tipsy, decided to rent out the house, sell most of their possessions, and become Adventure Caravanners. Their aim: To Boldly Go Where No Van Has Gone Before – while getting in as much skiing, hiking, and windsurfing as possible.

Since quitting work, Jackie has published six light-hearted memoirs about her travels, and has been featured in several anthologies.

Her Adventure Caravanning With Dogs series is caravanning, but not as you know it.

You can find more about Jackie and her writing via…

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