Buckinghamshire-based MORGEN BAILEY has a multi-faceted career. She writes crime & mystery fiction and non-fiction.

Her 39 published books include crime thrillers ‘One For The Road’, ‘After Jessica’ and ‘Hitman Sam’, a dog detective series, women's fiction, as well as several writer's block workbooks, an editing guide, and diaries for writers. Last but no means least is a series of themed Sunday-Saturday diaries.

She is also a highly experienced guest speaker, creative writing tutor & mentor, a writing workshop host, a publishers’ and freelance editor and a literary competition judge.

Author Spotlights

Meet new-to-you authors chatting with Morgen about themselves, their writing and their books. Click on their photos below or scroll down to 'Author Spotlights recorded and coming soon' and click on the Introduction 'Preview' to start at the beginning.

(NB. If you switch on AutoPlay and AutoComplete they will play seamlessly.)

If you would like to feature, email [email protected] for details.

1 Denise Beddows

The inaugural spotlight is with crime novelist and true crime author Denise Beddows.

2 Netta Murray

The second of the spotlights is with cozy mystery novelist and short story writer Netta Murray.

3 Angela Wren

The third of the spotlights is with actor, director, novelist and short story author Angela Wren.

4 CV Chauhan

The fourth spotlight is with crime novelist Champak Chauhan who writes as CV Chauhan.

5 Paul Gitsham

The fifth spotlight is with crime novelist Paul Gitsham.

6 Eric Goebelbecker

The sixth spotlight is with science fiction novelist Eric Goebelbecker.

7 Scott Bury

The seventh spotlight is with multi-genre author and podcaster Scott Bury.

8 Maggie Jamerson

Children's author and phonetics guru Maggie joined Morgen for the eighth (the only word in the English language that ends 'hth'!) spotlight.

9 AJ Hill

Crime novelist AJ Hill joined Morgen for the ninth author spotlight.

10 Trish Finnegan

British crime novelist Trish Finnegan joined Morgen for this tenth chat.

11 Tom Alan

An ex-pat living in Spain, Tom Alan chatted to Morgen about him and his writing (and football!).

12 Bambi Lynn

Bambi joined Morgen from America to talk about the inspiration behind her writing.

13 Torin Ingham

This thirteenth spotlight focuses on sci-fi author Torin Ingham and his collaboration with his father Tracy.

14 Deborah Cota

Morgen's fourteenth spotlight is with American 'fantastical' author Deborah Cota.

15 Leigh Russell

Prolific crime novelist Leigh Russell joined Morgen to talk about her writing journey, process and more.

16 Tony Millington

Fellow British crime writer Tony Millington talked about his varied journey before becoming a crime writer and working with different publishers.

17 Maverick Montgomery

Maverick Montgomery joined Morgen where they discussed dogs, being a petrol/gear head, and of course Maverick's writing, inspired by his author wife.

18 Elizabeth Ducie

Elizabeth joined Morgen to talk about her crime writing journey and her passion for all things literary.

19 Bea Donaldson

Bea joined Morgen from New Mexico to chat about Bea's journey from young reader to imminently published debut author.

20 Peter Tickler

Oxford-based crime novelist Peter Tickler joined Morgen to talk about his path to publication, his series of books, and what it means to be an author.

21 Karen Hendriks

Australian children's author and former teacher Karen Hendriks joined Morgen for this twenty-first spotlight.

22 GB Williams

British multi-genre novelist and short story author GB Williams, aka Abi Barden, joined Morgen to talk about her journey through the publishing industry and plotting vs pantsing.

23 Sarah Tanburn

Welsh author Sarah Tanburn is the twenty-third author to join Morgen to talk about Sarah's writing, her journey to publication, and sailing!

24 Marilyn Pemberton

British author Marilyn Pemberton loves writing, especially when it's fairy tale inspired. She joined Morgen for this twenty-fourth spotlight.

25 Steve Collier

Northamptonshire crime writer Steve Collier joined Morgen for a chat about Steve's journey from police officer to full-time author.

26 Laura Sarsoneck

American non-fiction author Laura Sarsoneck joined Morgen to chat about Laura's writing, inspired by her journey of adoption, as a single mother.

27 Donna Morfett

English blogger, tour operator and now crime novelist Donna Morfett chatted with Morgen about all things writing.

28 John 'JA' Marley

Crime novelist JA Marley joined Morgen to chat about his writing journey, including her being his editor!

29 Sarah Banham

Sarah and Morgen chatted about all things literary as they are much more than novelists.

30 Cath Barton

Novella and short story author and reviewer Cath Barton joined Morgen to talk about their favourite form of fiction, short stories, and more.

31 Jackie Lambert

Award-winning travel writer and real-life adventure traveller Jackie Lambert joined Morgen to chat about their shared love of dogs... and writing, of course.

32 Damien Hunter

Espionage thriller novelist Damien Hunter joined Morgen to chat about James Bond, Mission Impossible and other inspirations.

33 Kym Langfield

Australian children's author and illustrator Kym Langfield joined Morgen to talk about how she weaves these two forms of creativity.

34 Meriet Duncan

British speaker, children's author and beekeeper Meriet Duncan joined Morgen to talk about the inspiration bees have in her writing and speaking life.

35 AM Davila

Alexandra 'AM' Davila, a post-apocalyptic and dystopian author, joined Morgen to talk about this gritty side of writing.

36 Fil Reid

Historical novelist Fil Reid joined Morgen to talk about how Cornwall and the legend of King Arthur influence her writing.

37 Tony Forder

Prolific crime and action adventure novelist Tony Forder joined Morgen to talk about his varied path to publication.

38 Lucy Felthouse

Erotic romance novelist and short story author Lucy Felthouse shared her writing journey with Morgen in this thirty-seventh spotlight.

39 Nicholas Louis Baham III

Morgen was joined by Scholar of Black Studies, Author and Professor, Nicholas Louis Baham III who shared his journey from teenage spy writer through academia, immersing his wealth of experiences into his crime fiction and nonfiction.

Latest And Coming Soon...

40 Dennis Millet

Sci-fi adventure novelist Dennis Millet joined Morgen to talk about his journey to publication, and which authors were his inspiration.

41 AJ Aberford

Crime thriller novelist joined Morgen to talk about his Malta-set Inspector George Zammit series, his path to publication, and what he has planned next.

42 Elias Garcia

Superhero debut novelist Elias Garcia will be joining Morgen to chat about the first in his new series and the journey to its publication.

43 Geoffrey A Cole

Inspirational non-fiction author and coach Geoffrey A Cole joined Morgen to talk about the journey he took to creating his book and the others he has planned.

44 Anika Molesworth

Farmer and climate change advocate Anika Molesworth joined Morgen to talk about her debut non-fiction book and upcoming children's book, highlighting her passion and hope for the future.

L Hackney

Australian children's author L Hackney will be joining Morgen for this forty-fifth spotlight.

This Could Be You!

Email [email protected]

(NB Morgen with an 'e')

to book this spotlight.

This Could Be You!

Email [email protected]

(NB Morgen with an 'e')

to book this spotlight.

This Could Be You!

Email [email protected]

(NB Morgen with an 'e')

to book this spotlight.

Author Spotlights recorded and coming soon

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